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Reponse Codes

00 - 10

  • 00: Approved / completed / recorded successfully
  • 01: Refer to card issuer
  • 02: Refer to card issuer, special condition
  • 03: Invalid merchant
  • 04: Pick up card
  • 05: Do not honour
  • 06: Error
  • 07: Pick up card, special condition
  • 08: Honour with identification
  • 09: Request in progress
  • 10: Approved, partial

11 - 20

  • 11: Approved, VIP
  • 12: Invalid transaction
  • 13: Invalid amount
  • 14: Invalid card number
  • 15: No such issuer
  • 16: Approved, update Track 3
  • 17: Customer cancellation
  • 18: Customer dispute
  • 19: Re - enter transaction
  • 20: Invalid response

21 - 30

  • 21: No action taken
  • 22: Suspected malfunction
  • 23: Unacceptable transaction fee
  • 24: File update not supported
  • 25: Unable to locate record
  • 26: Duplicate payment token in digital wallet
  • 27: File update edit error
  • 28: File update file locked
  • 30: File update failed

31 - 40

  • 31: Bank not supported
  • 32: Completed partially
  • 33: Expired card, pick up
  • 34: Suspected fraud, pick up
  • 35: Contact acquirer, pick up
  • 36: Restricted card, pick up
  • 37: Call acquirer security, pick up AE Message sequence error
  • 38: PIN tries exceeded, pick up A0 - ZZ Further error codes pertaining to Base 24(BIC) ISO and VodaPay Gateway switch functionality
  • 39: No credit account
  • 40: Function not supported

41 - 60

  • 41: Payment token blocked
  • 42: No universal account
  • 43: Stolen card
  • 44: No investment account
  • 45: Account closed
  • 51: Insufficient funds
  • 52: No cheque account
  • 53: No savings account
  • 54: Payment token expired *
  • 55: Incorrect PIN
  • 56: Payment token not found
  • 57: Transaction not permitted to cardholder
  • 58: Transaction not permitted on terminal
  • 59: Suspected fraud
  • 60: Contact acquirer

61 - 90

  • 61: Exceeds withdrawal limit
  • 62: Maximum number of payment tokens in digital wallet exceeded
  • 63: Security violation
  • 64: Original amount incorrect
  • 65: Exceeds withdrawal frequency
  • 66: Call acquirer security
  • 67: Hard capture
  • 68: Response received too late
  • 75: PIN tries exceeded
  • 77: Intervene, bank approval required
  • 78: Intervene, bank approval required for partial amount
  • 90: Cut - off in progress

90 - 98

  • 91: Issuer orswitch inoperative
  • 92: Routing error
  • 93: Violation of law
  • 94: Duplicate transaction
  • 95: Reconciliation error
  • 96: System malfunction
  • 97: Cancelled by operator
  • 98: Exceeds cash limit

A0 - ZZ

  • AE: Message sequence error
  • A0-ZZ: Further error codes pertaining to Base 24 (BIC) ISO and VodaPay Gateway switch functionality